
Maps about Water Quality Issues (redirected from Maps About Water Quality Issues)

Page history last edited by Adam Schempp 4 years ago

Beach Advisories/Monitoring Results


Alabama: DEM maintains a map of beach monitoring stations, along with links to results for each.


California: The Safe to Swim map displays bacterial sampling data for coastal and inland monitoring locations. The Coastal Information map provides information on coastal beach advisories, coastal beach report card grades, impaired waters for swimming, and beach improvement projects by county. The California Swim Guide (also available as a smartphone app) allows users to find the beaches closest to them and identify which are safe for swimming.


Hawaii: The Environmental Health Portal Clean Water Branch System Viewer allows users to see water quality advisories and polluted runoff projects.


Maryland: The Maryland Healthy Beaches interactive map shows current conditions at beaches throughout the state. Users can also sign up for email or text message updates.


Minnesota: The Minnesota Lake Superior Beach Monitoring Program map shows the status of beaches and any advisories across the state’s Lake Superior coast.



Designated Uses


Fond du Lac: The Waters of the Fond du Lac Reservation static map shows the lakes within Fond du Lac territory, distinguishing lakes by use.


Maryland: The Designated Use Classes for Maryland’s Surface Waters map displays the use classes for surface waters across the state.




Fish and Shellfish Advisories


California: The California Fish Consumption Advisory Map links to pages with more information for each water body or segment. There is also a dropdown menu to select waters by name.


Maryland: The Shellfish Harvesting and Closure Area Map is an interactive tool depicting the classification of shellfish waters in the state and providing sampling data for each. Also available is a closure log for specific waters.


Rhode Island: The RI Shellfish Harvest Restrictions Map displays approved and restricted shellfish harvest areas throughout the state.


Ohio: The Statewide General Fish Consumption Advisory Map displays fish consumption advisories for rivers, streams, and lakes throughout the state.





California: The California Harmful Algal Blooms Portal includes the HAB Incident Reports Map, which provides data on voluntarily reported blooms, and the HAB Data Viewer, which presents individual maps displaying data from satellite imagery and special assessments.


Kentucky: The Division of Water Harmful Algal Bloom Viewer displays algal bloom observations and associated advisory levels.


Montana: DEQ's Harmful Algal Blooms in Montana map shows current and past HABs advisories around the state, and provides links to pages with more information and where users can report possible blooms.


Ohio: Harmful Algal Blooms: Public Water System and other Ohio EPA Surface Water Monitoring displays sampling results from waters across the state, noting type of toxin, range of concentration, and type of site.



Invasive Species


Minnesota: The Infested Waters List (select the “Map” tab at the top) shows state waters that are home to aquatic invasive species. Users can select a water to see the species for which it is infested and the year it became listed as infested.


Montana: Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks maintains maps showing the locations of aquatic invasive species in the state. Users can also view information about specific species.



Source Water Protection


Kentucky: The Source Water Protection Viewer displays wellhead protection areas and source water protection areas from which public water systems withdraw their drinking water. 


Ohio: Ohio’s Drinking Water Source Protection Areas shows surface- and groundwater protection areas for public water systems in the state.



Stormwater-Relevant Data


Connecticut: DEEP prepares town-by-town stormwater documents that include static maps showing designated uses. An example can be viewed here.


Rhode Island: Stormwater Impacted Waters shows confirmed and potential stormwater impacted waters across the state.





Fond du Lac: The Watersheds of the Fond du Lac Reservation static map shows lakes, streams, and watersheds within the boundaries of the Fond du Lac Reservation.


Kentucky: The Kentucky Watershed Viewer shows the state’s watersheds and includes a tool to search for specific waters.


Maryland: The Statewide Watershed Map Resources tool shows watersheds and Chesapeake Bay TMDL and modeling segments, and allows users to overlay county lines for reference.


South Carolina: The SC Watershed Atlas shows the state’s watersheds and allows users to add layers for monitoring, assessments, advisories, permits, and more.



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