
Home Page: Maps

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Saved by Sam
on September 16, 2020 at 12:04:43 pm
Many water quality programs have used maps—whether physical or static or interactive webmaps—to convey information to the public. To learn more about specific purposes for which maps have been used, click a link below or use the "Navigator" panel at the right-hand side of the page.



The examples contained here are not intended to be comprehensive; rather, their collection is meant to facilitate the sharing of ideas among water quality programs, especially CWA 303(d) programs, and generate new ideas about how to present water quality or program information.


Wikis can be another useful means of sharing information with the public or stakeholder groups, especially in instances in which it is helpful to have multiple or external editors. To highlight this tool and make it easy for water quality programs to submit additional examples, the websites, maps, and videos included in this compendium are located on this wiki. The “Navigator” panel at the right side can be used to explore the wiki; if you would like to add a video, website, or map used by your program, please click the “request access” link above the Navigator.


Image from Waldemar Brandt via Unsplash

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